IMPORTANT: Before running Instant-RSVP, you must edit Instant-RSVP.exe.config in Windows Notepad or any text editor. Your SMTP email credentials must be correctly entered inside that file. For non-techies, this really just means to enter your gmail username and password. For techies, you can use any SMTP system you want as long as you can connect and authenticate. TROUBLESHOOTING: If you are using a gmail account with Instant-RSVP, when you click the Invite button to send invitations and receive an error message, including "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required"... ![]() ...try the following:
Q. How is the app installed? A. Simply download the zip file and extract to any folder on your PC. Double-click Instant-RSVP.exe to run it. Q. Does Instant-RSVP contain any malware, adware, spyware, etc? A. Absolutely not. We hate that garbage as much as you do. This app is 100% clean, lean, and lightweight. If you want to remove it from your PC, simply delete the 2 files that came in the zip. Q. Is other software required for this to work? A. Yes, Microsoft .NET 4.0 or later. You might have it already. If not, download it free. Q. How can I tell if .NET 4.0 or later is installed on my PC? A. Try to launch the app by double-clicking Instant-RSVP.exe, which comes in the zip download. If nasty error messages immediately occur, and the app won't open, you'll need to download and install .NET 4.0 or later. Q. When I double-click Instant-RSVP.exe I get error messages and the app doesn't open. What's wrong? A. You need to download and install Microsoft .NET 4.0 or later. It is free. Q. Why is a software install required? Why not just make it web-based? A. The original plan was to make this a pure web-based system, but that became impractical. If large amounts of email traffic started to originate from our server, we would get blacklisted and our users would suffer. Because the app is downloaded, your email invitations originate from your PC and this avoids spam flags and email blacklisting. Consequently you will enjoy a trouble-free experience with Instant-RSVP. Q. Can I run the app on more than 1 PC? A. Yes, it's unlimited and free. Q. Will the app run on a Mac? A. No. Q. Will the app run on iPhone or Android? A. Not yet. Stay tuned. Q. Will the app run on tablets? A. It should run on any Microsoft Windows tablet. Q. What is iFrame URL for on the downloaded app? A. Read details here. Support | Return Home |